Common prosperity
Regional prosperity (Hainan province)
新闻1:From poverty toprosperity, China’s century
思政要素:本篇文章选材于China Daily,作者为China Daily评论版专栏撰稿人,文章回顾了中国在百年历史中从贫困走到富强的发展历程,阐述了未来的建设目标。通过学习,增强学生的民族自豪感,鼓励学生为国家建设和繁荣贡献力量。新闻文字内容见于链接。
新闻2:President XiJinping's keynote speech at the opening ceremony of BFA annual conference 2022
ChinesePresident Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech via video at the openingceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2022 on Thursday.
Areview of human history teaches us that the more difficult things get, the greaterthe need grows to stay confident. No difficulties could ever stop the wheel ofhistory.
思政要素:本篇文章选材于China Daily,新闻内容为在海南考察的习近平总书记对海南自贸港建设作出新指示。选材以海南发展为例,展现国家各个地区的蓬勃发展。国家的发展离不开高质量的人才,大学生作为社会主义的核心发展力量,要以自己的专业知识和技能,为国家的繁荣富强贡献自己的一份力量。新闻内容见于链接。
视频1:Amazing China in 60Seconds: Hainan
思政要素:本素材选自China Daily 网站的系列短视频Amazing China in 60 Seconds,通过观看,让学生感受祖国的山水之美﹑人文之美及生态之美。本期视频是海南宣传视频。目的是让更多的人了解海南自贸港的建设和发展,通过观看和欣赏海南的美景,也使在此生活求学的学生们增强自豪感。
AmazingChina in 60 Seconds is a short video series that will cover cultural and scenichot spots across the country.
SouthChina's Hainan province is the most popular tropical resort in China, with morethan 300 days of sunshine a year. A wide array of water sports and activitiesis on offer in Hainan, including scuba diving, deep-sea fishing, surfing andwindsurfing.
Inaddition to its beautiful scenery, Hainan is also an island of fascinatingheritage. Traditional weaving and embroidery, Hainan opera and othertraditional arts and crafts thrive here.
视频2:GLOBALink |"Life is treating me very well here"--foreigners love to live andwork in Hainan
As China’s largest special economic zone, Hainan has become an importantwindow of China's opening up. More and more foreigners come and stay on thisbeautiful island for an enjoyable lifestyle and better career opportunities.
图文:刘静 编辑:任俊超 审核:张晓辉