发布时间:2022-07-03 12:27:00浏览次数:

This course provides students with a comprehensive view of learning English language skills. Besides studying the basic language skills (including listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation), we also emphasize analytic thinking skills and observation of linguistic phenomena in order to cultivate students’ ability of intercultural communication in English. Moreover, the students are encouraged to participate in various communicative activities which are in real-like situations as well as master the essential fundamental communicative skills. This course lays a solid foundation for the other follow-up courses.

This course employs a task-based approach to guide students to acquire communicative competence. Teachers are required to organize varied activities including listening (listening for gist, for specific information, for attitude), speaking (pair/group work, group discussion, role-play, presentation, interview, debate), reading (reading for gist, for specific information, skimming), writing (notices, letters, summaries, reports) and translation. These activities cover many aspects of life (meeting people, discussing daily life, talking about people, describing places, and getting things done). In the classroom, students play a center role in doing these activities, and teachers are organizers, facilitators and co-communicators. All the activities are embedded in a flexible, dynamic and persistent process in the target language.

图文:袁勤       审核:余玉秀

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